BarbequeLovers is looking for people who are passionate about barbecue. Do you spend all week planning your weekend barbecue? Do you have traditional barbecue parties on every summer holiday with family and friends and empty out your local grocery store of the prime cuts of meat to impress your friends?

Do you love to tailgate and have a hitch mounted grill just for the big games?

Do you love to dutch oven cook and have been asked to cook a dutch oven dinner for your family or friends?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we would like to hear from you.

Barbequelovers is looking for writers who not only love to barbecue but also want to share their barbecue ideas, recipes, and tips with the rest of the world. You don’t have to be a professional journalist nor an English major in college to write for us. You just have to love to barbecue and can put together a few intelligent sentences.

The editorial staff at BarbequeLovers is looking for more committed authors – those who are willing to commit to at least 10 articles.  We would work with you to define topics and submission dates.

If you are interested in contributing to and are willing to commit to writing at least 10 articles, please email us at: [email protected]

In your email, please provide a quick summary as to why you want to write for and why you think you would be a valuable asset to our website. We look forward to hearing from you soon!